Holland Capital Management LLC

Retirement Planning

Long before retirement even hits our radar, we’re usually consumed with planning what type of education, skills training and professional designations will forward our progress. Or as business owners, we’re often focused on growth, many times at the expense of our personal financial picture.
That’s why we need to start planning for retirement earlier rather than later. And effective retirement planning, especially for the successful, takes time to do right. At Holland Capital Management, we’ll help you plan a tax-efficient retirement focused on preserving your quality of life and maximizing your legacy.

Why Retirement Planning Is Important

Everything we do – from choosing and building a career to investing in our business – is presumably so we and our families can have a better life. But if we fail to plan for “life after work”, all of the plans and effort we put into our working lives could be jeopardized.
There are many questions you should ask yourself early, like how you want to spend your time after you retire or sell your business.
On the financial side, there’s a big shift required. You’ve spent a lifetime focused on the accumulation of assets using risk and hard work. In retirement, it takes a different skill set. You’ll be focused on using assets in the most efficient way possible you can preserve what you’ve built.
At Holland Capital Management, we’ll help you prepare to enjoy a confident retirement, whatever that looks like to you.

What We Can Do For You

Our Retirement Planning service takes a long-term view of your financial well-being. We use a life-cycle approach to ensure your “life after work” is as well-planned as your life prior to retirement.

Here’s what we do for you as part of our Retirement Planning service: