Investment Planning

While many of us don’t realize it, we are constantly engaged in subconscious acts of investment planning. We plan how we can best invest the limited time we have at our disposal. Would the 2-hours we have best be spent visiting a friend at the hospital, or would it be better invested, say, by taking in that ball game? We do some longer-term planning too: Does it pay to invest the effort studying for a degree in Arts, or would we get a better return studying to pass the Bar exam?

So, why don’t we invest the time planning our investments?

Why Investment Planning is Important

It’s been said: What you sow, so shall you reap! When it comes to enjoying the fruits of your investment, truer words were never spoken. 

How your money grows, what you pay for that growth, and the ease and comfort with which you “journey” towards reaping the rewards of your investments, are all important aspects of a good investment plan. In the absence of such a plan, your financial future could be in jeopardy!

What We Can Do For You

Our Investment Planning service is based on these simple facts: Market timing doesn’t work. Creating and preserving wealth requires diversification. Focus on the long-term, and don’t let short-term diversions distract you. Investing is about more than just making money – it’s also about helping you achieve your financial objectives.

Here’s a preview of what our Investment Planning service cover:

  • Understanding your financial goals: Through an intense yet structured “Getting to Know You” process, we’ll understand what your financial goals are, and we’ll help you prioritize some of the most pressing short, medium and long-term financial objectives you’d like to accomplish.
  • Analyze a point-in-time snapshot: The next step is to analyze where you are today, in terms of your savings and current investment portfolio. Sometimes, this phase of our review results in actionable steps that can immediately benefit you – like cutting your losses in a sinking investment, or leveraging some profit-harvesting and tax-selling opportunities in highly successful ones.
  • Proposing an investment strategy: With that information in hand, your Relationship Manager will work hand-in-hand with your Portfolio Manager to create a comprehensive customized investment strategy, while working within the confines of your existing investments and tax situation. 
  • Implementing the plan: Our Investment Planning approach is dynamic, and constantly evolves with your changing circumstances. We’ll guide and advise you on investment plan transitions as you go through life and life-style changes.
  • Watching over your investments: We’ll monitor and review your investments, plans and strategies in light of changing investment climates.
  • Consult, advise and counsel: Ours is an ongoing partnership. Throughout our relationship with you, we’ll keep you informed, and communicate constantly with you about proposed changes and potential risks or opportunities for your investments.